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Ciara Dowling, fundadora de Night Sky
Ciara Dowling, fundadora de Night Sky
Ciara Dowling, fundadora de Night Sky

Creado con conciencia

Nos preocupamos por lo que hacemos y, lo que es más importante, por cómo lo hacemos. En cada paso del proceso hacemos todo lo posible para garantizar un impacto mínimo en el medio ambiente y un impacto máximo en la sostenibilidad. Gracias a nuestras iniciativas de sostenibilidad, producimos un impacto neto positivo en las emisiones de carbono con cada Night Sky impreso.

We plant One Tree for Every Ten Prints sold

For every 10 prints sold we plant a tree with Onetreeplanted.org They are an amazing organisation that restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world.

We have been proud partners since the summer of 2020.

Nuestros productos

We use water based inks as an alternative to PVC inks so that they don't contain all the toxic chemicals of their plastisol counterparts. Instead the inks are comprised of naturally occurring substances. No harmful solvents are required for clean up which reduces toxic waste.

FSC-certified forests are managed with consideration for people, wildlife and the environment. They are independently audited to ensure they meet the FSC’s Principles and Criteria for Forest Management.

Check out the 10 FSC principles.

We print our products on demand. This way we only use what we need and there is no unused inventory that would need to be discarded or pulped.

All of our Gold and Silver are recycled and we source from suppliers that have signed up to the REACH regulations. This means no cadmium or lead are added as an alloy in the production process.

We use Fairtrade Gold, which is the world’s first independent ethical certification system for gold.


Our computing platform is on Google Cloud. We made the decision based on their environmental impact. Google matches 100% of the energy consumed by their global operations with renewable energy and maintains a commitment to carbon neutrality.

By moving our computing power to the Google Cloud platform the net emissions associated with our computing power and data storage is zero.

Cada vez que creas un Cielo Nocturno estás contribuyendo en realidad a un efecto neto de aire más limpio, mejor biodiversidad y un modo de vida más sostenible.

Hemos hecho mucho, pero aún queda mucho por hacer. Seguiremos auditando nuestras cadenas de suministro, opciones de transporte y plataformas tecnológicas para asegurarnos de que estamos contribuyendo todo lo que podemos.


Para minimizar el transporte, producimos tu cielo nocturno en el laboratorio de impresión más cercano. Ahora tenemos 10 laboratorios de impresión en todo el mundo.

Para compensar el impacto del carbono utilizado en el transporte mínimo nos hemos asociado con una increíble organización sin ánimo de lucro llamada onetreeplanted.org. Estos chicos trabajan con el Servicio Forestal de EE.UU. y el Instituto Mundial de Recursos para llevar proyectos de plantación de árboles a comunidades de todo el mundo. Te recomendamos que les eches un vistazo.

Our Promise


We print on museum grade using paper and only use precious metals in our jewelry.


With over 22,000 five star reviews, we go above and beyond for our customers.


We print on paper from FSC approved forests and all of our silver and gold is recycled.

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Our Promise


We print on museum grade using paper and only use precious metals in our jewelry.


With over 22,000 five star reviews, we go above and beyond for our customers.


We print on paper from FSC approved forests and all of our silver and gold is recycled.

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Sign up for product updates, exciting space stuff and the occasional discount code.

By signing up you agree to our Privacy and security policy

Our Promise


We print on museum grade using paper and only use precious metals in our jewelry.


With over 22,000 five star reviews, we go above and beyond for our customers.


We print on paper from FSC approved forests and all of our silver and gold is recycled.

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Sign up for product updates, exciting space stuff and the occasional discount code.

By signing up you agree to our Privacy and security policy

Our Promise


We print on museum grade using paper and only use precious metals in our jewelry.


With over 22,000 five star reviews, we go above and beyond for our customers.


We print on paper from FSC approved forests and all of our silver and gold is recycled.

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Sign up for product updates, exciting space stuff and the occasional discount code.

By signing up you agree to our Privacy and security policy